
Congress of the Political Ecology Ateliers

“Repairing the future?
Reflections and experiences from political ecology”

1st to 3rd July 2025, in Toulouse (France)   

Registration will begin soon


The Atécopol (“Atelier d'Écologie Politique” in French), as political ecology ateliers, aims to work with and for society on collective actions that allow us to understand socio-ecological challenges and (re)act on them. Created in recent years by French scholars and supported by the French Center for National Scientific Research, they offer an original variation of political ecology in terms of its form (a community of scientists rather than a field of research) and scope (all disciplines, both in matter and life, as well as in human and social sciences).

This conference aims to open the field of political ecology research to the entire academic community and strengthen the articulation of ecology with social questions in the face of the current weakening of democracies. It will focus on better understanding the obstacles hindering actions toward global sustainability and further exploring the levers and alternatives that can help us move away from unsustainable future trajectories. For this purpose, we invite participants to come and “repair the future” and create new alliances among academics and beyond over three days.

With a focus on interdisciplinary dialogue between science and society, we encourage various people or groups to submit proposals: researchers, students, representatives of associations or groups, artists, professionals from the public and private sectors, etc.

The conference will prefer participatory forms of communication that facilitate dialogue and exchanges.


Contributions can be submitted online via the "New submission" tab ("main menu" panel on the left of this page), after logging in or creating an account (you don't need to be an academic to do this).




Congress organized by :

ATelier d’ÉCOlogie POLitique (Atécopol de Toulouse),

plateforme d'expertise de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société de Toulouse
(MSHS-T / UAR 3414 CNRS, Université de Toulouse)

In partnership with :

Abécopol (Bordeaux), AtécopolAM (Aix-Marseille), Atécopol Penser les Transitions (Dijon), Atécopol La Fabrique des Questions Simples (Lyon), Atécopol Montpellier, Atécopol de Nantes, CAMPUS d’Après Grenoble, Cat'Écopol (Perpignan), Écopolien (Île-de-France), Épolar (Rennes)

With the material and logistical support of

Sciences Po Toulouse

With the financial support of the :

Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès (UT2J), Framespa (UMR 5136 UT2J, CNRS), Geode (UMR 5602 UT2J, CNRS), CESBIO (UMR 5126 UT, CNRS, IRD, CNES), LISST (UMR 5193 CNRS, UT2J, EHESS, ENSFEA, INU Champollion), CERTOP (UMR 5044 CNRS, UT2J, UT), ENAC Lab (ENAC), UFR Histoire, Arts et Archéologie (UT2J),  LEGOS (UMR 5566, UT, CNRS, IRD, CNES)
and other Toulouse laboratories or institutes (procedures in progress)

Illustration :

©Yug - @guylebesnerais



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